“Does ‘abstract’ photography exist? This question has often been asked, and the very fact that this term exists suggests that it does. But if this term should have its justification, what could it say at best? Is not any attempt at abstraction nipped in the bud by photography? Or is not every photographic image an abstraction?”
Ralf Christofori, Abstraktion und Täuschung

“Raumverdichtung Hamburg 1-5”, 2022, 40 x 40 x 3,5 cm each, digital print on perspex, 3-layer. installation view Hanse Merkur Versicherung, Hamburg

“Raumverdichtung Hamburg 6 und 7”, 2022, 40 x 160 x 3,5 cm and 40 x 240 x 3,5 cm, digital print on perspex, 3-layer. installation view Hanse Merkur Versicherung, Hamburg

“Raumverdichtung 1”, 2001, 20 x 20 x 5 cm, exposure on screen printing film, perspex

Exhibition view, “Raumordnungen”, Galerie Bildkultur, Stuttgart

“Raumverdichtung 7”, 2006, 25 x 25 x 7,5 cm, Direct plate printing on perspex

“Raumverdichtung 5”, 2003, 25 x 25 x 5 cm, exposure on screen printing film, perspex

“Raumverdichtung 6”, 2006, 30x 30x 7,5 cm, exposure on screen printing film, perspex