“Laurenz Theinert documents city views without a city. Taken in major cities, the images show people meandering through architectural canyons, blending out the architecture in the process. They are architectural photographs without architecture, approaches to the individual speeds of city dwellers that are extremely appealing in terms of color and aesthetics.”
Marko Schacher, Gallery Schacher, Stuttgart
“Zeitfenster – Darmstadt, Tram”, 2010, 90 x 140 cm, Digital Fine Art Print on Alu Dibond
“Zeitfenster – Sydney, Monorail”, 2009, 100 x 100 cm, Digital Fine Art Print on Alu Dibond
“Zeitfenster – Stuttgart, Tram”, 2016, 100 x 70 cm, Digital Fine Art Print on Alu Dibond
“Zeitfenster – Berlin, Schritt”, 2008, 140 x 300 cm, thermotransfer textile print, aluminium frame
“Zeitfenster – Berlin, Regierungsufer”, 2008, 70 x 140 cm, Digital Fine Art Print on Alu Dibond
“Zeitfenster – Waldorf, Kommen – Verweilen – Gehen”, 2010, 140 x 300 cm und 140 x 250 cm, thermotransfer textile print, aluminium frame